  • Mineral Mixture Quick View
    • Mineral Mixture Quick View
    • Mineral Mixture

    • Specifications: 1.Moistures .00% Max. 2. Calcium 2o.oo% Min. 3.Phosphorus 12..00% Min. 4.Magnesium 5.00% Min. 5.Iron 0.40%Min. 6.Iodine o.oa6%Min. 7.Copper 0.10% Min. 8. Manganese 0.12.% Min. 9.Cobalt 0.012.% Min. 10.Zinc o.8o% Min. 11. Acid insoluble ash 3.00% Max. 12.Fluorine o.o7% Max. 13.Sulphur 1.80% to 3.00% 14.Spores of Bacillus anthracis and Clostridium species: Nil 15.Presence of proteinous/organic impurities: Nil Note: Values from…
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