Rumen Bypass Fat Supplement


  1. Moisture- 5% Max.

  2. Fat – 84% Min.

  3. Calcium : 8% to 10%

Enriched with Organic Chromium


Lower energy density of the animals’ ration results in animals losing body weight considerably in the first 8-10 weeks after calving. This not only affects the lactation yield but also the reproductive performance of the animal. Unprotected fat in the animals diet adversely affects fiber digestion, resulting in lower feed intake, thus lower milk production.

Typical fatty acid profile:

  • C16:o Palmitic Acid 40% to 50%

  • C18:1 Oleic Acid 35% to 45%

  • C18:2 Linoleic Acid 8% to 10%

  • C18:o Stearic Acid 4% to 5%

  • C14:o Myristic Acid 1 % to 1.5%

Feeding recommendation:

Mix “INNOFEED Bypass Fat” thoroughly with other feed ingredients.

  • 100g to 200g per animal per day, depending upon level of milk production

  • 100g per pregnant animal per day, during last 30 days of pregnancy

  • 25g to 50g per animal per day for growing calves/pregnant heifers

  • Mix 1 kg to 2 kg per 100 kg of cattle feed

    (OR as advised by nutritionist/veterinarian.)


  • Highest Net Energy for Lactation (NEL) & digestibility, among all protected fat sources. Remains inert in rumen.

  • More fat, more milk.

  • Quick recovery and least body weight loss after calving.

  • Does not affect microbial activity or digestibility of other feed ingredients.

  • Chromium present in “INNOFEED Rumen Bypass Fat” improves fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.


25 kg & 50 kg

Animal feed supplement. Not for medicinal use.


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